• Annalee Shein, LCSW, CPC
  • 561-220-3556

Tag Archives: Depression Treatment


Some Warning Signs of Depression in Seniors

The risk of Depression is higher in older adults, including senior citizens, but it is not a normal part of aging. Here at GROW Yourself LLC, we help seniors deal with Elderly Persons Disorders in Palm Beach Beach County, and here are some...

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Effective Ways on Reaching Out for Depression Support

More and more people have been seeking the help of psychotherapists and other mental health professionals to help them overcome the serious mental health problem known as depression. If left untreated this could result in someone physically...

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How to Prevent Depression in Seniors

Depression and anxiety in seniors are caused by many reasons including isolation, chronic diseases, losing a loved one, or thinking disorders. The struggle, however, is far from a mere emotional problem. Sometimes, it is due to a lack of healthy...

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