We can always find the bad in things, but my mother, though could be a pain at times, like all mothers, gave me the gift of positive thinking.
She would say, “If something bad happens it only means that the next thing is going to be better!”

Well, it always worked for me. When we think positive it leaves our mind open for better things allowing us to move our way forward.
Numerous studies have found individual psychotherapy to be effective at improving symptoms in a wide array of challenges, making it both a very popular and versatile treatment. It can also be used for families, couples or groups. Different patients seek therapy for various reasons but personal growth is a journey we can all benefit from! Through cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), I am able to help patients learn to identify and manage the factors that contribute to their roadblocks.
Cognitive/Behavior Therapy (CBT) simply means:
Cognitive – The way we think (feel)
Behavior – How we act
Very simple; we act the way we feel. So, if we are thinking negative thoughts we will be walking around acting scared, anxious, maybe feel sorry for ourselves, creating a doomsday effect.
I keep this on a Posted Note, on my computer, to always remind me:
Positive | Attitude | Changes | Everything
“PACE Yourself”
After gaining extensive experience counseling a wide range of people on issues dealing with family relationships, chronic illness, anxiety disorders, and low self-esteem, I’m able to better understand how my patients can more confidently combat the challenges they face in everyday life. The power of positivity is always one of the most powerful tools we can remind ourselves about in times of tribulation.
With the current pandemic adversely affecting mental health on a world scale, it’s no wonder American Psychotherapy Association is reporting an uptick in panic attacks and other anxiety related problems.
The main symptom of anxiety disorders is excessive fear or worry. Anxiety disorders can also make it hard to breathe, sleep, stay still, and concentrate. Your specific symptoms depend on the type of anxiety disorder you have. Common symptoms are: Panic, fear, and uneasiness. Panic Disorder affects 6 million adults, or 2.7% of the U.S. population, with women twice as likely to be affected as men.
If you frequently experience panic attacks, download this panic attack record: here and fill out one form for each separate panic attack during a two-week period… Tracking your symptoms and presenting them to a professional is the perfect way to gauge how to move forward.
Hard times will always come, how we overcome them sets the tone for the next chapter in our lives.
So, be positive and move forward — Don’t Forget to PACE Yourself!!
With light & peace,Annalee Shein
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